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   Panasonic FA Show 2013 successfully concluded

A four-day business trip was done on December 13, 2013,
This time, hundreds of customers are following us to Panasonic FA Show2013. We not only show the some best selling models, but also introduced all-new and high-performance live-fire office equipment in this fair. Many customers are attracted by the new models.

Panasonic standing on the ground in the journey for everyone.

We are not in the course of the journey the birthday guest prepared a nice present and delicious cake.

The discussions in the busy trip, we also held a grand party for the customer to relieve fatigue for the trip.

This time also have strong support from the panasonic, the game for us to provide the most powerful of the prize.

Innovation of science and technology (Qingdao) co., LTD ZhaiYingJi, general manager of speech for everyone

For various prizes in the game of the guests are pleased with their prizes left

In their spare time, we lead the guests to visit beautiful scenery of Mount Fuji, let everyone enjoy the beauty of the Japanese.

Everyone left a group photo at the foot of Mount Fuji.
This is every year we invite customers to participate in business activities, to promote business exchanges at the same time, we also hope to be able to bring customers more comfortable and happy
Service experience. "It is with sincerity and faith as the basic, make customers happy and satisfied work" we have been adhering to the faith.

time:2013-12-16 15:34:30      back 
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